Gratitude Journal

Today i was browsing through Instagram and i saw a post from one of those famous influencers who are soo pretty and have a perfect life with a perfect husband and a perfect baby. The post was about keeping a gratitude journal. It got me into thinking how often we say thankyou in a day! We are so busy in our lives working, talking and meeting people, netflixing and obviously complaining the rest of time that we forget to show our gratitude. Gratitude for what we already have! Gratitude for what we are experiencing, what we get to experience in our life.

So i bought a gratitude journal today! I pledge to write everyday my blessings! I have a great life and so do you! Cherish the memories and cherish everyday!!!

Love Love

A happiness approach 😁

On the occasion of International day of happiness, yet another time to study the happiness question. Two years have passed and i added another 100 ways to feel happy with in my life.

Have you ever wondered the smallest things which makes you happy. There is a book ‘La première gorgée de bière’ by a very famous french author ‘Philippe Delerm’. Since i am always so motivated for finding happiness in every little thing, i started reading the book… couldn’t complete it due to complicated french mataphores but certainly got the idea of him sharing to be thankful for small things we forgot to notice in out daily lives.

So what makes you happy afterall. When i wake up, the sun rays crossing the drapes on my window makes me happy. The beautiful white light in the room. The white snow outside the window. A hot shower. Hot chocolate in a big mug with lot of sugar. A beautiful dress. My ritual of listening to the same song daily. The idea of an upcoming holiday. The planning for the vacation. Travelling solo in an unknown city and having long walks. Buying a lovely summer dress and then waiting for the summer to wear it. Being in love. Hugging, kissing and having sex makes me happy. Playing ludo. Browsing old photographs makes me happy. Eating chocolate every evening. Surprised by home cooked lasagne. Sea makes me happy. and a lot more.

Whats your idea of happiness?

The Happiness Question!!!

Well oxford defines happiness as the state of being happy, smart people will probably say pleasant emotions.
For me it is the perfect way to live. Happiness is when u see an infant laugh. It is in his little hands. Happiness is ice-cream. It is in the rain. Happiness is mesmerizing mountains, night stars full of blazing stars, chirping birds. Happiness is doing something for others, making a person smile. Happiness is making your parents proud. Happiness is friends, irritating them as much as you can. Happiness is watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Happiness is an irritating brother, who blows your mind off. Happiness is music. Happiness is a good book, you can’t wait to complete. Happiness is lying on bed, doing nothing, saying nothing or even thinking nothing. Happiness is travelling, without telling anyone. Happiness is to be in love or being loved. Happiness is expressing that love, hugging or kissing. Happiness is having the courage to be different. Happiness is positive thinking, appreciate what you have and realizing it is the choice that you can make today.

So tell people to make that choice and BE HAPPY because everyone deserves it.

Tinder – A social experiment

It was not so easy for me to find the courage to go on a date with an unknown guy (in his car) after three lines of conversation consisting only emoticons. Thanks to tinder, we have become so open to go out with random person judging them only on their looks. I was date-ready in my blue skinny jeans, Deep red lower-neck top, Black boots and classic red lips. He seemed nervous when he welcomed me, but after an hour long conversation about Paris and Parisian life while touring the whole city, we become comfortable. It was watching the city with Parisian eyes. We had a great dinner in a very fancy restaurant. He complemented on my beauty. I smiled. Our thinking matched, we both were in favor of preserving our own cultures. We had similar thoughts on Love; we have to work on it, everyday. He admitted to be an emotional person, attached to family with Italian roots. I could imagine myself staring at him while he keeps on talking. Everything was falling on the right place. The prospects were promising. After dinner, We went to Montmarte to enjoy the bird’s eye view of Paris in night. And then we headed to my place. He asked my number, I dropped him a message. We reached, the moment stopped. He said “I know this is not the right place of me to ask but I like you so much, can I kiss you?” I was hoping something like that. I touched his cheek with my trembling hand and a helpless face. His lips touched mine, we made out like we belonged together. He started caressing my breasts, I can still feel the chills. I did not want either of us to stop and he wanted more. I came in to my senses; we were in the middle of the road. I told him I need to go, but we were inseparable.  Finally I left with a heavy heart and a promise of a second date next day. I messaged him as soon as i reached to my room. He was all over my mind. Well, I did not sleep the whole night.
